iTunes Home Sharing doesn’t work with AppleTV when it should

For about a year, I've been stumped on iTunes Sharing not working on AppleTV when it worked fine between laptops. Until today, when I accidentally discovered that iTunes -> Preferences -> Sharing -> "Share Library on Network" —which works for computers running iTunes— is not the same things as iTunes -> File -> Home Sharing, which is what AppleTV uses.

Oh well.

‘bash\r’: No such file or directory. Or, editing unix files on a Windows machine

'bash\r': No such file or directory

What does that mean, you ask yourself? It usually means you are editing *nix script files on a windows system, and then running the files on a *nix machine. For instance in docker, or a VM.

Your GUI solution is to use a text editor that allows you to save with unix line endings. `Notepad++` calls it, very reasonably, `'EOL conversion'`. Sublime text calls it `View->Line Endings`.

Your commandline solution in a bash shell on macos is sed -i.bak $'s/\r//' * and on linux the same but you don't need the ansi-C quoting: sed -i.bak 's/\r//' *
A further complication if you are using git is that it keeps getting reset back to windows. You could fix this with `git config core.autocrlf false` but that may have other consequences which you don't want to bother with.

Use a public docker image in AWS ECS

Amazon Web Services carefully explain how to use a private docker image in ECS, the Amazon container service. But fails to mention what repository URL to use for a dockerhub public repository. The answer is … none at all. Just the same as the docker CLI, if you specify just namespace/imagename for a container image, ECS will pull it from dockerhub.